Dani Grubbs Gurrie, the extraordinary host of the popular YouTube channel, ‘Everything Frederick LIVE!‘ sits down with this candidate and asks the hard-hitting questions. As a concerned resident of Frederick County, Dani seeks to bring attention to local businesses and news events in our area. During this BOE interview Dani asks the candidate to clarify her position on issues regarding Policy 443, overcrowding, school vouchers, and much more.


Excerpt from a radio interview at WFMD-AM with Mid-Maryland Live’s Tim May and Frank Mitchell. They get to know this BOE candidate better and discuss issues concerning curriculum, Policy 443, Parental Consent, and Teacher Unions.


I will stay abreast of new laws and regulations regarding local and statewide education, and I will always act in good faith toward those I serve. I promise to refrain from accepting any financial campaign contributions from unions and/or special interest groups, and lobbying organizations. My support comes solely from the small donor citizens of Frederick County who support my candidacy.

Excerpt #1. Why are you running for School Board?
Excerpt #2. What’s wrong with our curriculum?
Excerpt #3. What are Teacher Unions actually doing?!

frederick news post

“Remondini said there were three main issues she planned to focus on in her campaign: curriculum changes, teacher support and school vouchers. Regarding curriculum, Remondini said she’d like to see a greater emphasis on traditional subjects like math and reading, and less time spent on social and emotional lessons, which she argued should be left to parents.

Supporting teachers means offering them competitive salaries that ensure they can keep up with cost-of-living increases, she said. She added that she wanted to do more to support the mental health of both students and educators. Finally, Remondini said she supports school choice and voucher programs, which allow families to use state dollars to fund all or part of their child’s tuition at a non-public school.” [read article]

Credit: FNP photographer Katina Zentz


The transgender movement is a recent phenomenon being weaved into the curricula. Parents have strongly expressed that they do not want their children exposed to this, and parents have every right to search for alternatives in education, including robust voucher programs for charter and parochial schools, and homeschooling.

Throwing money at the problem ($8K-$15K/per pupil), has proven fruitless. There’s little improvement—are students reading at grade level? Can they write without the help of ChatGPT? Let’s put that same amount of effort and energy towards teaching STEAM subjects and expanding Career & Technology Centers.


“Local groups opposing the board’s Policy 443 — which, among other things, directs school employees to use students’ preferred names and pronouns, and says school employees will keep a student’s gender identity private, not disclosing it to the student’s parents or guardians, unless the child consents to sharing it — this event was advertised as a “rally for parents’ rights.” [details]

There have always been gay kids in schools, that is not new. Children who were gay blended in and were treated just like all others. Now you have the issue of boys in the girls bathroom and that is a bridge too far; competing against girls in sports, etc.


Popular YouTuber David Brooks, bka The Cadillac Counselor, and former candidate in 2022’s race for Board of Education, sits down with Remondini to discuss:

  • How would she address discipline in the schools?
  • Her position on Bill 443 and other bills in the 400-series
  • What sets her apart from the other 17 candidates in the race

Tune into this informative discussion to learn how this candidate believes we can overhaul the education system and empower teachers, parents, and students when we dare to re-imagine how modern-day schoolhouses function and operate.


Eyes have been opened by the pandemic and people are demanding change. It’s time to re-imagine the public education system. It’s time to acknowledge the rights of students and parents instead of caving to the special interests of teacher unions. Parents must continue to speak up for their children.

Our current education model is like an insatiable, Goliath-sized monopoly requiring more and more billions of tax dollars to maintain its state-run, education factories. Students are being left behind, parents are being left in the dark, and teachers are trapped in the middle. No wonder teachers are quitting in groves and student attendance is low.​ [watch]


Vouchers should be an option for parents with kids in poor performing schools, and there are a few in Maryland.” – Ms. Fitz

Republicans propose establishing a system where students in “failing schools” are eligible for scholarships to attend private schools. It was created to help end childhood poverty in Maryland. We should focus on giving children living in poverty more lifelines when it comes to their education, and quite frankly, their futures.

Students receive a scholarship equal to the per-pupil share of education funding. Expenditures average about $8,000 across Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City, ranging from $2,900 in Caroline County to $14,800 in Worcester County. [more]

School choice exists in Maryland. More often than not, only the wealthy exercise this right.
R. Remondini
BOE Candidate


Maryland Bill SB355 prohibits the display of obscene material to minors in schools. It was introduced to make it a criminal offense to display obscene material to minors in public schools. Although we have obscenity laws already established, public schools exempt themselves from obscenity laws under the guise of education.

I do not support the use of obscene materials anywhere in our schools. Concerned parents wishing to address these issues should contact teachers who are issuing alternative assignments and reading material. If that’s insufficient, get in touch with the school principal to review the content. If still not satisfied, appeal to the school’s superintendent before presenting grievances to the Board.

Therefore, SB355 was needed to protect minors from adults that exploit these laws and expose minors to obscenity. Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech. [more]


The latest redistricting developments are necessary because of the rapid population growth in and around Frederick. Expanding existing high schools only solves the overcrowding issues for about 3 years before numbers exceed capacity again. It also puts a strain on hallways, building utilities, students, and staff.

New construction is a more long-term solution, but it’s also a more expensive option. Both possibilities come with staffing and personnel requirements, in addition to the need for redistricting. However, here’s an unheard of solution, give parents the freedom to opt-out of public education with their tax dollars and child(ren) in tow. Allow students who fit outside-the-box to use vouchers at charter, private, parochial, micro-, and home schools. This could greatly alleviate some of the over-crowding in Frederick County.

FCPS is the fastest-growing school district in Maryland. Constant enrollment increases and aging facilities have created capacity challenges. How is FCPS handling this unbridled growth?


Season 2 of Manifest Your Awesomeness Podcast with host Chante Franco showcased Remondini. Listen to a podcast interview circa 2022. Hear why she chose to homeschool her children and why she left the public school system after it failed her 3 eldest children.

AUDIO | Click the photo above to listen to Remondini circa 2022.


With teacher shortages affecting schools nationwide, educators share how pay, parents, politics and the pandemic have led some to leave the profession.


Rayna Remondini is a candidate of the people and for the people. If you want someone to fight tooth and nail for you and your family, cast your vote for Remondini.